Load packages and models

# download the model if need be:
# udpipe_download_model(language = "english")
udmodel_english = udpipe_load_model(file = "C:/Users/Dave/Documents/english-ewt-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe")

Read data

salience_texts <- read_excel("salience_texts.xlsx")

Clean data

salience_texts <- unnest_tokens(tbl = salience_texts, token = "words", input = Content, output = Content, to_lower = TRUE)
salience_texts <- anti_join(salience_texts, get_stopwords(language = "en", source = "stopwords-iso"), by = c("Content" = "word"))

Annotate data

annotated_data = data.frame(udpipe_annotate(udmodel_english, salience_texts$Content))

Extract nouns

nouns <- subset(annotated_data, upos %in% c("NOUN"))
nouns_frequency <- txt_freq(nouns$lemma)
# remove salience from the list:
# nouns_frequency <- nouns_frequency[-1,]
head(nouns_frequency, n=200)
##                    key freq  freq_pct
## 1             salience  493 6.4571054
## 2             language  153 2.0039293
## 3            attention  152 1.9908317
## 4              salient   98 1.2835625
## 5              concept   82 1.0740013
## 6              context   81 1.0609037
## 7                 form   64 0.8382449
## 8            structure   64 0.8382449
## 9              feature   63 0.8251473
## 10                term   61 0.7989522
## 11                item   55 0.7203667
## 12          linguistic   52 0.6810740
## 13               study   49 0.6417813
## 14            category   48 0.6286837
## 15            relation   47 0.6155861
## 16         expectation   46 0.6024885
## 17              source   46 0.6024885
## 18           frequency   45 0.5893910
## 19            question   45 0.5893910
## 20                type   43 0.5631958
## 21              effect   43 0.5631958
## 22                 cue   42 0.5500982
## 23           dimension   41 0.5370007
## 24           situation   41 0.5370007
## 25            processe   40 0.5239031
## 26            sentence   40 0.5239031
## 27             meaning   39 0.5108055
## 28                role   39 0.5108055
## 29            property   38 0.4977079
## 30               event   37 0.4846103
## 31          definition   36 0.4715128
## 32                word   36 0.4715128
## 33                hand   36 0.4715128
## 34              memory   35 0.4584152
## 35             speaker   35 0.4584152
## 36              choice   35 0.4584152
## 37               focus   34 0.4453176
## 38              target   33 0.4322200
## 39           knowledge   33 0.4322200
## 40              factor   32 0.4191225
## 41          perception   31 0.4060249
## 42               level   30 0.3929273
## 43         perspective   29 0.3798297
## 44            instance   29 0.3798297
## 45                time   28 0.3667322
## 46           mechanism   28 0.3667322
## 47             account   27 0.3536346
## 48              theory   27 0.3536346
## 49           processis   27 0.3536346
## 50           variation   26 0.3405370
## 51             finding   26 0.3405370
## 52          discipline   25 0.3274394
## 53           phenomena   25 0.3274394
## 54          difference   25 0.3274394
## 55          experience   25 0.3274394
## 56               scene   24 0.3143418
## 57              action   24 0.3143418
## 58               field   23 0.3012443
## 59         distinction   23 0.3012443
## 60             subject   23 0.3012443
## 61                view   23 0.3012443
## 62           influence   22 0.2881467
## 63             english   21 0.2750491
## 64               issue   21 0.2750491
## 65         participant   21 0.2750491
## 66             involve   21 0.2750491
## 67        entrenchment   21 0.2750491
## 68          expression   21 0.2750491
## 69           sentences   21 0.2750491
## 70            function   20 0.2619515
## 71        relationship   20 0.2619515
## 72           selection   20 0.2619515
## 73             chapter   20 0.2619515
## 74            linguist   19 0.2488540
## 75           discourse   19 0.2488540
## 76            position   19 0.2488540
## 77               range   19 0.2488540
## 78                 eye   19 0.2488540
## 79            movement   19 0.2488540
## 80               space   19 0.2488540
## 81              tomlin   18 0.2357564
## 82               occur   18 0.2357564
## 83              signal   18 0.2357564
## 84            semantic   17 0.2226588
## 85              aspect   17 0.2226588
## 86              domain   17 0.2226588
## 87              cueing   17 0.2226588
## 88                task   17 0.2226588
## 89               input   17 0.2226588
## 90               model   17 0.2226588
## 91      representation   17 0.2226588
## 92            evidence   17 0.2226588
## 93          distractor   17 0.2226588
## 94            geeraert   17 0.2226588
## 95            referent   17 0.2226588
## 96                beer   17 0.2226588
## 97            landmark   17 0.2226588
## 98              review   16 0.2095612
## 99            overview   16 0.2095612
## 100           paradigm   16 0.2095612
## 101        probability   16 0.2095612
## 102           analysis   16 0.2095612
## 103      investigation   16 0.2095612
## 104            picture   16 0.2095612
## 105         production   16 0.2095612
## 106        interaction   15 0.1964637
## 107              giora   15 0.1964637
## 108            variant   15 0.1964637
## 109              voice   15 0.1964637
## 110             entity   15 0.1964637
## 111         constitute   15 0.1964637
## 112      constructions   15 0.1964637
## 113              agent   15 0.1964637
## 114               snow   15 0.1964637
## 115    sociolinguistic   14 0.1833661
## 116        expressions   14 0.1833661
## 117             change   14 0.1833661
## 118            stimuli   14 0.1833661
## 119             future   14 0.1833661
## 120          condition   14 0.1833661
## 121         activation   14 0.1833661
## 122              sense   14 0.1833661
## 123           interact   14 0.1833661
## 124       perspectival   14 0.1833661
## 125         understand   13 0.1702685
## 126             schmid   13 0.1702685
## 127            günther   13 0.1702685
## 128         psychology   13 0.1702685
## 129               goal   13 0.1702685
## 130             müller   13 0.1702685
## 131            pattern   13 0.1702685
## 132            reality   13 0.1702685
## 133            element   13 0.1702685
## 134             levels   13 0.1702685
## 135        application   13 0.1702685
## 136           surprise   12 0.1571709
## 137             models   12 0.1571709
## 138              basis   12 0.1571709
## 139          cognition   12 0.1571709
## 140            process   12 0.1571709
## 141         discussion   12 0.1571709
## 142           response   12 0.1571709
## 143             subset   12 0.1571709
## 144               idea   12 0.1571709
## 145           location   12 0.1571709
## 146           observer   12 0.1571709
## 147           behavior   12 0.1571709
## 148         prediction   12 0.1571709
## 149 operationalization   11 0.1440733
## 150              usage   11 0.1440733
## 151            william   11 0.1440733
## 152            zarcone   11 0.1440733
## 153           contrast   11 0.1440733
## 154               read   11 0.1440733
## 155             speech   11 0.1440733
## 156          langacker   11 0.1440733
## 157            grammar   11 0.1440733
## 158             notion   11 0.1440733
## 159            patient   11 0.1440733
## 160            surface   11 0.1440733
## 161               name   11 0.1440733
## 162          trajector   11 0.1440733
## 163           kerswill   10 0.1309758
## 164         markedness   10 0.1309758
## 165         phenomenon   10 0.1309758
## 166             jaeger   10 0.1309758
## 167             result   10 0.1309758
## 168             degree   10 0.1309758
## 169             extent   10 0.1309758
## 170              table   10 0.1309758
## 171               line   10 0.1309758
## 172            example   10 0.1309758
## 173            complex   10 0.1309758
## 174               user   10 0.1309758
## 175    prototypicality   10 0.1309758
## 176             regard   10 0.1309758
## 177        combination   10 0.1309758
## 178             weight   10 0.1309758
## 179              dutch   10 0.1309758
## 180          reference    9 0.1178782
## 181          framework    9 0.1178782
## 182         literature    9 0.1178782
## 183            science    9 0.1178782
## 184        environment    9 0.1178782
## 185               note    9 0.1178782
## 186            lexicon    9 0.1178782
## 187           approach    9 0.1178782
## 188               step    9 0.1178782
## 189           addition    9 0.1178782
## 190           increase    9 0.1178782
## 191               bock    9 0.1178782
## 192      comprehension    9 0.1178782
## 193        formulation    9 0.1178782
## 194         preference    9 0.1178782
## 195        possibility    9 0.1178782
## 196                sla    8 0.1047806
## 197             reason    8 0.1047806
## 198            literal    8 0.1047806
## 199             marker    8 0.1047806
## 200           trudgill    8 0.1047806

Generate a wordcloud

wordcloud(words = nouns_frequency$key, freq = nouns_frequency$freq, max.words = 150, random.color = TRUE, color = brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))

wordcloud2(data = nouns_frequency, color = brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"), gridSize = 10, minSize = 6, size = 2)

Extract adjectives

adjectives <- subset(annotated_data, upos %in% c("ADJ"))
adjectives_frequency <- txt_freq(adjectives$lemma)
# remove salience from the list:
# adjectives_frequency <- adjectives_frequency[-1,]
head(adjectives_frequency, n=200)
##                   key freq   freq_pct
## 1          linguistic  130 5.72435051
## 2           cognitive   83 3.65477763
## 3              visual   66 2.90620872
## 4             lexical   60 2.64200793
## 5     onomasiological   52 2.28974020
## 6            semantic   50 2.20167327
## 7          perceptual   47 2.06957288
## 8            specific   42 1.84940555
## 9         attentional   37 1.62923822
## 10          surprisal   36 1.58520476
## 11             social   35 1.54117129
## 12         structural   33 1.45310436
## 13             active   32 1.40907089
## 14            passive   31 1.36503743
## 15              major   30 1.32100396
## 16          syntactic   28 1.23293703
## 17         individual   27 1.18890357
## 18            current   24 1.05680317
## 19           relevant   21 0.92470277
## 20      psychological   20 0.88066931
## 21           external   18 0.79260238
## 22             mental   18 0.79260238
## 23     semasiological   18 0.79260238
## 24            central   17 0.74856891
## 25            sensory   17 0.74856891
## 26            involve   15 0.66050198
## 27    sociolinguistic   14 0.61646852
## 28         contextual   14 0.61646852
## 29              human   14 0.61646852
## 30        grammatical   14 0.61646852
## 31         conceptual   13 0.57243505
## 32          potential   12 0.52840159
## 33      lexicological   12 0.52840159
## 34        syntagmatic   12 0.52840159
## 35        situational   11 0.48436812
## 36        alternative   11 0.48436812
## 37            typical   11 0.48436812
## 38     terminological   10 0.44033465
## 39           internal   10 0.44033465
## 40           variable   10 0.44033465
## 41            initial   10 0.44033465
## 42          prominent   10 0.44033465
## 43             actual   10 0.44033465
## 44              joint   10 0.44033465
## 45             formal   10 0.44033465
## 46      communicative   10 0.44033465
## 47              basic   10 0.44033465
## 48             single    9 0.39630119
## 49          intrinsic    9 0.39630119
## 50           multiple    9 0.39630119
## 51        theoretical    9 0.39630119
## 52        distinguish    9 0.39630119
## 53       phonological    9 0.39630119
## 54          pragmatic    9 0.39630119
## 55             direct    9 0.39630119
## 56         surprising    9 0.39630119
## 57           frequent    9 0.39630119
## 58            crucial    9 0.39630119
## 59      nonlinguistic    9 0.39630119
## 60           previous    9 0.39630119
## 61         accessible    8 0.35226772
## 62           inherent    8 0.35226772
## 63              local    8 0.35226772
## 64               real    8 0.35226772
## 65        distinctive    8 0.35226772
## 66             common    7 0.30823426
## 67           implicit    7 0.30823426
## 68              limit    7 0.30823426
## 69           complete    7 0.30823426
## 70              prior    7 0.30823426
## 71             easier    7 0.30823426
## 72     characteristic    7 0.30823426
## 73              short    7 0.30823426
## 74            spatial    7 0.30823426
## 75             global    7 0.30823426
## 76            russian    7 0.30823426
## 77      distinguished    7 0.30823426
## 78        dimensional    7 0.30823426
## 79         scientific    6 0.26420079
## 80          exogenous    6 0.26420079
## 81         unexpected    6 0.26420079
## 82             narrow    6 0.26420079
## 83               main    6 0.26420079
## 84  interdisciplinary    6 0.26420079
## 85       experimental    6 0.26420079
## 86             strong    6 0.26420079
## 87          construal    6 0.26420079
## 88           semiotic    6 0.26420079
## 89        variational    6 0.26420079
## 90            natural    5 0.22016733
## 91         endogenous    5 0.22016733
## 92       paradigmatic    5 0.22016733
## 93           physical    5 0.22016733
## 94           stronger    5 0.22016733
## 95             relate    5 0.22016733
## 96       considerable    5 0.22016733
## 97   psycholinguistic    5 0.22016733
## 98             observ    5 0.22016733
## 99           accurate    5 0.22016733
## 100        irrelevant    5 0.22016733
## 101         sensitive    5 0.22016733
## 102        systematic    5 0.22016733
## 103         dependent    5 0.22016733
## 104       independent    5 0.22016733
## 105        functional    5 0.22016733
## 106        equivalent    5 0.22016733
## 107      prototypical    5 0.22016733
## 108          absolute    4 0.17613386
## 109         signifier    4 0.17613386
## 110          organize    4 0.17613386
## 111         concerned    4 0.17613386
## 112          standard    4 0.17613386
## 113          unmarked    4 0.17613386
## 114            simple    4 0.17613386
## 115         determine    4 0.17613386
## 116            lectal    4 0.17613386
## 117         extrinsic    4 0.17613386
## 118        figurative    4 0.17613386
## 119        illustrate    4 0.17613386
## 120             valid    4 0.17613386
## 121         empirical    4 0.17613386
## 122         selective    4 0.17613386
## 123       interrelate    4 0.17613386
## 124          saccadic    4 0.17613386
## 125       interactive    4 0.17613386
## 126       intentional    4 0.17613386
## 127           special    4 0.17613386
## 128      conventional    4 0.17613386
## 129        experience    4 0.17613386
## 130        signifiant    4 0.17613386
## 131        collective    4 0.17613386
## 132             equal    4 0.17613386
## 133          syllable    4 0.17613386
## 134         canonical    4 0.17613386
## 135           logical    4 0.17613386
## 136        transitive    4 0.17613386
## 137               key    4 0.17613386
## 138       predictable    4 0.17613386
## 139       statistical    4 0.17613386
## 140               sic    4 0.17613386
## 141           belgian    4 0.17613386
## 142      netherlandic    4 0.17613386
## 143             white    3 0.13210040
## 144           unified    3 0.13210040
## 145             fresh    3 0.13210040
## 146           regular    3 0.13210040
## 147        additional    3 0.13210040
## 148             aware    3 0.13210040
## 149            female    3 0.13210040
## 150              mere    3 0.13210040
## 151          perceive    3 0.13210040
## 152            faster    3 0.13210040
## 153          familiar    3 0.13210040
## 154    neurocognitive    3 0.13210040
## 155           obvious    3 0.13210040
## 156       integrative    3 0.13210040
## 157            robust    3 0.13210040
## 158            covert    3 0.13210040
## 159           neutral    3 0.13210040
## 160        predictive    3 0.13210040
## 161            larger    3 0.13210040
## 162         essential    3 0.13210040
## 163       traditional    3 0.13210040
## 164          flexible    3 0.13210040
## 165          holistic    3 0.13210040
## 166  multidimensional    3 0.13210040
## 167        biological    3 0.13210040
## 168              rich    3 0.13210040
## 169       constituent    3 0.13210040
## 170     uninformative    3 0.13210040
## 171             prime    3 0.13210040
## 172       informative    3 0.13210040
## 173       incremental    3 0.13210040
## 174        commercial    3 0.13210040
## 175            mutual    3 0.13210040
## 176            double    3 0.13210040
## 177      denotational    3 0.13210040
## 178       taxonomical    3 0.13210040
## 179      preponderant    3 0.13210040
## 180           unclear    2 0.08806693
## 181           diverse    2 0.08806693
## 182          acoustic    2 0.08806693
## 183          circular    2 0.08806693
## 184             black    2 0.08806693
## 185           evident    2 0.08806693
## 186         schematic    2 0.08806693
## 187          phonetic    2 0.08806693
## 188          prosodic    2 0.08806693
## 189   extralinguistic    2 0.08806693
## 190           classic    2 0.08806693
## 191           generic    2 0.08806693
## 192          oriented    2 0.08806693
## 193        noticeable    2 0.08806693
## 194           feature    2 0.08806693
## 195        infrequent    2 0.08806693
## 196          contrary    2 0.08806693
## 197             worth    2 0.08806693
## 198          personal    2 0.08806693
## 199              fast    2 0.08806693
## 200        peripheral    2 0.08806693

Generate another wordcloud

wordcloud2(data = adjectives_frequency, color = brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"), gridSize = 10, minSize = 6, size = 2)

Extract nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs

content_words <- subset(annotated_data, upos %in% c("ADJ","VERB","NOUN","ADV"))
content_words_frequency <- txt_freq(content_words$lemma)
# remove salience from the list:
# adjectives_frequency <- adjectives_frequency[-1,]
head(content_words_frequency, n=200)
##                 key freq  freq_pct
## 1          salience  493 4.0710157
## 2        linguistic  182 1.5028902
## 3          language  153 1.2634187
## 4         attention  152 1.2551610
## 5           salient   98 0.8092486
## 6           concept   83 0.6853840
## 7         cognitive   83 0.6853840
## 8           context   81 0.6688687
## 9          semantic   67 0.5532618
## 10        structure   67 0.5532618
## 11             form   66 0.5450041
## 12           visual   66 0.5450041
## 13          feature   65 0.5367465
## 14             term   61 0.5037159
## 15          lexical   60 0.4954583
## 16            focus   59 0.4872007
## 17             item   55 0.4541701
## 18            study   54 0.4459125
## 19             mean   52 0.4293972
## 20              cue   52 0.4293972
## 21  onomasiological   52 0.4293972
## 22         processe   49 0.4046243
## 23         category   48 0.3963666
## 24         referent   48 0.3963666
## 25       perceptual   47 0.3881090
## 26         relation   47 0.3881090
## 27      expectation   46 0.3798514
## 28           source   46 0.3798514
## 29        frequency   45 0.3715937
## 30         question   45 0.3715937
## 31             base   44 0.3633361
## 32             type   43 0.3550784
## 33           effect   43 0.3550784
## 34          involve   42 0.3468208
## 35         specific   42 0.3468208
## 36          speaker   41 0.3385632
## 37        dimension   41 0.3385632
## 38        situation   41 0.3385632
## 39         sentence   41 0.3385632
## 40          meaning   39 0.3220479
## 41           define   39 0.3220479
## 42             role   39 0.3220479
## 43         property   38 0.3137903
## 44         approach   38 0.3137903
## 45      attentional   37 0.3055326
## 46            event   37 0.3055326
## 47       definition   36 0.2972750
## 48             word   36 0.2972750
## 49        surprisal   36 0.2972750
## 50             hand   36 0.2972750
## 51           memory   35 0.2890173
## 52           social   35 0.2890173
## 53           choice   35 0.2890173
## 54           figure   34 0.2807597
## 55           target   33 0.2725021
## 56        knowledge   33 0.2725021
## 57       structural   33 0.2725021
## 58            refer   32 0.2642444
## 59           factor   32 0.2642444
## 60           object   32 0.2642444
## 61           active   32 0.2642444
## 62       individual   31 0.2559868
## 63       perception   31 0.2559868
## 64          passive   31 0.2559868
## 65            level   30 0.2477291
## 66            major   30 0.2477291
## 67      perspective   29 0.2394715
## 68       experience   29 0.2394715
## 69         instance   29 0.2394715
## 70             prim   29 0.2394715
## 71  sociolinguistic   28 0.2312139
## 72        syntactic   28 0.2312139
## 73          express   28 0.2312139
## 74             time   28 0.2312139
## 75        mechanism   28 0.2312139
## 76          account   27 0.2229562
## 77           theory   27 0.2229562
## 78        processis   27 0.2229562
## 79          include   26 0.2146986
## 80        variation   26 0.2146986
## 81          finding   26 0.2146986
## 82       discipline   25 0.2064410
## 83        phenomena   25 0.2064410
## 84       difference   25 0.2064410
## 85            scene   24 0.1981833
## 86          subject   24 0.1981833
## 87        represent   24 0.1981833
## 88           action   24 0.1981833
## 89          current   24 0.1981833
## 90            drive   24 0.1981833
## 91            field   23 0.1899257
## 92           direct   23 0.1899257
## 93         relative   23 0.1899257
## 94      distinction   23 0.1899257
## 95        influence   23 0.1899257
## 96             view   23 0.1899257
## 97          english   21 0.1734104
## 98         relevant   21 0.1734104
## 99            issue   21 0.1734104
## 100        function   21 0.1734104
## 101     participant   21 0.1734104
## 102           learn   21 0.1734104
## 103           occur   21 0.1734104
## 104        position   21 0.1734104
## 105    entrenchment   21 0.1734104
## 106      expression   21 0.1734104
## 107       sentences   21 0.1734104
## 108        consider   20 0.1651528
## 109   psychological   20 0.1651528
## 110    relationship   20 0.1651528
## 111          tomlin   20 0.1651528
## 112       selection   20 0.1651528
## 113     investigate   20 0.1651528
## 114         chapter   20 0.1651528
## 115            name   20 0.1651528
## 116        identify   19 0.1568951
## 117      understand   19 0.1568951
## 118        linguist   19 0.1568951
## 119       discourse   19 0.1568951
## 120           range   19 0.1568951
## 121          signal   19 0.1568951
## 122             eye   19 0.1568951
## 123        movement   19 0.1568951
## 124           space   19 0.1568951
## 125        external   18 0.1486375
## 126           input   18 0.1486375
## 127     alternative   18 0.1486375
## 128          mental   18 0.1486375
## 129          highly   18 0.1486375
## 130           human   18 0.1486375
## 131  semasiological   18 0.1486375
## 132          review   17 0.1403799
## 133         discuss   17 0.1403799
## 134          aspect   17 0.1403799
## 135          domain   17 0.1403799
## 136         central   17 0.1403799
## 137           stand   17 0.1403799
## 138          cueing   17 0.1403799
## 139            task   17 0.1403799
## 140           model   17 0.1403799
## 141  representation   17 0.1403799
## 142         sensory   17 0.1403799
## 143      constitute   17 0.1403799
## 144        observer   17 0.1403799
## 145        evidence   17 0.1403799
## 146      distractor   17 0.1403799
## 147        geeraert   17 0.1403799
## 148            beer   17 0.1403799
## 149        landmark   17 0.1403799
## 150        overview   16 0.1321222
## 151         trigger   16 0.1321222
## 152          search   16 0.1321222
## 153         compare   16 0.1321222
## 154         variant   16 0.1321222
## 155        paradigm   16 0.1321222
## 156     probability   16 0.1321222
## 157         mention   16 0.1321222
## 158        analysis   16 0.1321222
## 159   investigation   16 0.1321222
## 160       condition   16 0.1321222
## 161             set   16 0.1321222
## 162          induce   16 0.1321222
## 163         picture   16 0.1321222
## 164     referential   16 0.1321222
## 165      production   16 0.1321222
## 166         provide   15 0.1238646
## 167     interaction   15 0.1238646
## 168         propose   15 0.1238646
## 169           giora   15 0.1238646
## 170        variable   15 0.1238646
## 171          change   15 0.1238646
## 172           voice   15 0.1238646
## 173          entity   15 0.1238646
## 174   constructions   15 0.1238646
## 175            tend   15 0.1238646
## 176           agent   15 0.1238646
## 177            snow   15 0.1238646
## 178          schmid   14 0.1156069
## 179           start   14 0.1156069
## 180     expressions   14 0.1156069
## 181         stimuli   14 0.1156069
## 182      contextual   14 0.1156069
## 183        activate   14 0.1156069
## 184          future   14 0.1156069
## 185      activation   14 0.1156069
## 186  characteristic   14 0.1156069
## 187           sense   14 0.1156069
## 188        interact   14 0.1156069
## 189     grammatical   14 0.1156069
## 190    perspectival   14 0.1156069
## 191        surprise   13 0.1073493
## 192         address   13 0.1073493
## 193         günther   13 0.1073493
## 194          depend   13 0.1073493
## 195           speak   13 0.1073493
## 196      psychology   13 0.1073493
## 197            goal   13 0.1073493
## 198          expect   13 0.1073493
## 199          müller   13 0.1073493
## 200         pattern   13 0.1073493

Generate yet another wordcloud

wordcloud2(data = content_words_frequency, color = brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"), gridSize = 10, minSize = 6, size = 2)